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Friday 20. December 2013

New issue of Interpersona

Interpersona - An International Journal on Personal Relationships has published its December issue

PsychOpen is proud to announce the latest issue of Interpersona (Volume 7, Issue 2).
Visit the journal's website to view the whole issue including the following articles:

The Structure and Content of Long-Term and Short-Term Mate Preferences
by Peter K. Jonason, Gregory D. Webster, Amanda N. Gesselman

Correlates of Couples’ Perceived Similarity at the Initiation Stage and Currently
by Susan Sprecher

A Dimensional Approach to Characterizing On-Again/Off-Again Romantic Relationships
by René M Dailey, Borae Jin, Nicholas Brody, Andrea A. McCracken

Implications of Egalitarianism and Religiosity on Relationship Satisfaction
by Brittni J. Glenwright, Darren M. Fowler

Culture and Sexual Self-Disclosure in Intimate Relationships
by Nu Tang, Lisamarie Bensman, Elaine Hatfield

A New Era of Courtship
by Andrew Dix

Playing Moderately Hard to Get
by Stephen Reysen, Iva Katzarska-Miller

Pregnant Women’s View on Their Relationship: A Comparison With Nonpregnant Women
by Karlijn Massar, Abraham P. Buunk, Stefan L. K. Gruijters

Adopting New Identities When a Partner has Depression: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
by Fiona E. Glenn, Kenneth M. McFadyen, Zounish Rafique

Mediators of the Link between Adult Attachment and Mindfulness
by Jon Gordon Caldwell, Phillip Robert Shaver

Eradicating Corruption in Public Office in Nigeria
by Wada Attah Ademu

Gender Differences in Receptivity to Sexual Offers: A New Research Prototype
by Mercedes Tappé, Lisamarie Bensman, Kentaro Hayashi, Elaine Hatfield


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