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Monday 25. November 2013

New issue of Psychology, Community & Health out now

PsychOpen is proud to announce the latest issue of Psychology, Community & Health (PCH). Visit the journal's website to view the whole issue including the following:


by Sofia von Humboldt

Empirical Articles

The Impact of Childbirth on Sexual Functioning in Women With Episiotomy
by Isabel Leal, Sílvia Lourenço, Raquel V. Oliveira, Ana Carvalheira, João Maroco
(in English)

Adaptation to Breast Cancer and Gynecological Cancer in Pre- and Postoperative Period
by Cláudia Alves, Henrique Pereira
(in Portuguese)

Family and Multifamily Intervention With Adolescents With Behavior Changes: A Proposal of an Intervention Program, Based on a Pilot Study
by Ivone Patrão, Joana Santos Rita
(in Portuguese)

Literature Reviews

Factors Associated With Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Literature Review
by Lee Usher, Pauline Fox, Caroline Lafarge, Kathryn Mitchell
(in English)

The Cognitive Behavioral Assessment (CBA) Project: Presentation and Proposal for International Collaboration
by Ezio Sanavio, Giorgio Bertolotti, Ornella Bettinardi, Paolo Michielin, Giulio Vidotto, Anna Maria Zotti
(in English)


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