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Wednesday 23. October 2013

PsychOpen at the 2013 Open-Access-Days in Hamburg

From left to right: Katrin Bretschneider (ZPID/PsychOpen), Prof. Dr. Christopher Cohrs (Jacobs University Bremen), Prof. Dr. Armin Günther (ZPID/PsychOpen)

At the 2013 Open-Access-Days in Hamburg, Germany, Armin Günther (ZPID/PsychOpen) presented the PsychOpen project in a session, giving examples for the hosting of open-access journals. Participants were impressed by the service spectrum PsychOpen offers free of charge to the editors and authors of its six journals.

During the Open-Access-Days two members of the PsychOpen team also met with Prof. Dr. Christopher Cohrs (Jacobs University Bremen), editor of the new PsychOpen publication, the "Journal of Social and Political Psychology" (JSPP), where they discussed plans and perspectives for the further development of this open-access journal. An upcoming special section on societal change, edited by Colin Wayne Leach, Leda Blackwood, and Andrew Livingstone was also a topic. It will bring together manuscripts that reflect on the strenghts and limits of traditional approaches to societal change in social and political psychology and will also feature contributions that offer innovative views and/or identify how the study of societal change might be enriched by other perspectives from within and outside of psychology and academia.


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