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The European Open-Access Publishing Platform for Psychology

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Friday 25. October 2019

Journal of Numerical Cognition (JNC) is accepted for inclusion in Scopus

Another PsychOpen GOLD journal will be indexed by this international database.   [more]

Friday 20. September 2019

EJOP Has a New Look

Europe's Journal of Psychology (EJOP) has had a relaunch. Not only the look is new.   [more]

Friday 28. June 2019

Second Issue of Clinical Psychology in Europe (CPE) Released

CPE is the official academic journal of the European Association of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment (EACLIPT). It is published at ZPID's PsychOpen GOLD.   [more]

Friday 29. March 2019

Just Released: First Issue of New Journal Clinical Psychology in Europe (CPE)

The aim of CPE is to become one of the leading journals of clinical psychology and psychological treatments in Europe. It is published at ZPID’s PsychOpen GOLD.   [more]

Friday 26. October 2018

New PsychOpen Journal: Clinical Psychology in Europe (CPE)

PsychOpen GOLD is pleased to announce the launch of a new journal: Clinical Psychology in Europe (CPE)   [more]

Thursday 07. June 2018

PsycINFO accepted Interpersona for inclusion

It is already the second journal, published by PsychOpen GOLD, that is now covered by the American Psychological Associations' database PsycINFO.    [more]

Thursday 12. April 2018

New PsychOpen Journal: Social Psychological Bulletin

PsychOpen is pleased to announce the launch of a new journal: Social Psychological Bulletin   [more]


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