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Wednesday 23. October 2013

PsychOpen at the 2013 Open-Access-Days in Hamburg

At the 2013 Open-Access-Days in Hamburg, Germany, Armin Günther (ZPID/PsychOpen) presented the PsychOpen project in a session, giving examples for the hosting of open-access journals. Participants were impressed by the service...   [more]

Friday 30. August 2013

New issue of Europe's Journal of Psychology

Europe's Journal of Psychology (EJOP) has published its August issue    [more]

Monday 12. August 2013

Symposium with PsychOpen at the 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP) in Stockholm

Symposium »Towards Enhanced Science in Psychology: Projects Improving Scholarly Communication« (Chair: Erich Weichselgartner from ZPID) at the 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP) in Stockholm (10th July 2013)   [more]

Wednesday 10. July 2013

Call for papers for EJOP and EJCoP

Publish your latest research with PsychOpen   [more]

Friday 05. July 2013

PsychOpen relaunched its Website

The PsychOpen team is proud to present its Website in a new design.    [more]

Thursday 20. June 2013

Call for papers: August 2014 Special Issue of EJOP on “Humor, Well-Being and Health”

Over the past decade there has been an exponential growth in psychological research investigating the impact of humor on psychological well-being and physical health. As such, a presentation of contemporary psychological research...   [more]

Tuesday 04. June 2013

The European Journal of Counselling Psychology (EJCoP): Call for papers

The European Journal of Counselling Psychology (EJCoP) is pleased to announce a call for papers for its September 2013 issue.The EJCoP is a free peer-reviewed open-access journal. It publishes articles at the intersection of...   [more]


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