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Wednesday 04. March 2015

Call for Papers: Psychological Investigations of Humor and Laughter

August 2016 special issue of Europe’s Journal of Psychology, honoring the research contributions of Professor Rod Martin, guest editor: Nicholas A. Kuiper, Ph.D.

Over the past decade or so, the investigation of various psychological aspects of humor and laughter has become an increasingly prominent topic of research. This growth can be attributed, in no small part, to the pioneering and creative work on humor and laughter conducted by Professor Rod Martin. Over the past 30 years, Professor Martin has published numerous scholarly articles, chapters, and books on humor and laughter. In recognition of Dr. Martin’s many research achievements, and timed to coincide with his upcoming retirement, EJOP will publish a special August 2016 issue on Psychological Investigations of Humor and Laughter.

We are interested in receiving papers that provide robust empirically-based investigations of any of the following topics:

  • Humor Comprehension, Appreciation or Production
  • Personality and Individual Differences in Humor or Laughter
  • Developmental Aspects of Humor or Laughter
  • Cognitive and Social Cognitive Elements of Humor or Laugher
  • Role of Humor or Laughter in Psychological Well-being or Physical Health
  • Role of Humor or Laughter in Interpersonal and Social Relationships
  • Neuropsychological Perspective on Humor or Laughter
  • Humor or Laughter in an Organizational Context

We are also interested in receiving papers that might address any other psychological aspects of humor or laughter that are not specifically mentioned above. Although our primary focus will be on presenting the most innovative research papers in this domain, we would also be interested in receiving strong theoretical contributions (including literature review papers) that significantly advance our understanding of various psychological aspects of humor or laughter.

Submission Process: All papers should be submitted through the regular EJOP submission process no later than January 20, 2016 and should confirm to all of the requirements listed on the EJOP website - ejop.psychopen.eu. All papers received for this special issue will be dealt with by the Special Guest Editor (Professor Nick Kuiper, kuiper(at)uwo(dot)ca), and include peer-review. Those papers subsequently selected for inclusion in the Special Humor Issue must provide a significant increase in our psychological knowledge base concerning humor or laughter, while also meeting all standards for publication.


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