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Saturday 28. February 2015

New issue of Europe's Journal of Psychology

PsychOpen is proud to announce the first issue from 2015 of Europe's Journal of Psychology.

PsychOpen is proud to announce the first issue from 2015 of Europe's Journal of Psychology (Volume 11(1)) which is available on the journal's website free of charge.

Table of Contents: EJOP February 2015


Dialogical Self in a Complex World: The Need for Bridging Theories
by Hubert J. M. Hermans

Acknowledgement of Reviewers, 2014
by Vlad Glaveanu


Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy: The Evolution of a Revolution
by Debbie Joffe Ellis, Montse Rovira

Research Reports

Relationships Between Emotional Stability, Psychosocial Mentoring Support and Career Resilience
by Ridhi Arora, Santosh Rangnekar

Promoting Mentalization in Clinical Psychology at Universities: A Linguistic Analysis of Student Accounts
by Maria Francesca Freda, Giovanna Esposito, Teresa Quaranta

Confidant Relations in Italy
by Jenny Isaacs, Francesca Soglian, Edward Hoffman

Exploring Identity in Muslim Moroccan and Pakistani Immigrant Women
by Cristina Giuliani, Semira Tagliabue

Intercultural Profiles and Adaptation Among Immigrant and Autochthonous Adolescents
by Cristiano Inguglia, Pasquale Musso

Evidence of an Alternative Currency for Altruism in Laboratory-Based Experiments
by Daniel Farrelly, Emma Moan, Kristi White, Sarah Young

Theory of Mind Development in Adolescence and Early Adulthood: The Growing Complexity of Recursive Thinking Ability
by Annalisa Valle, Davide Massaro, Ilaria Castelli, Antonella Marchetti

The influence on perceptions of truthfulness of the emotional expressions shown when talking about failure
by Shlomo David, Shlomo Hareli, Ursula Hess

Machiavellianism and Adult Attachment in General Interpersonal Relationships and Close Relationships
by Tamás Ináncsi, András Láng, Tamás Bereczkei

The Impact of Parental Styles on the Development of Psychological Complaints
by Daniela Rocha Lopes, Kees van Putten, Peter Paul Moormann

Book Reviews

Rasch Measurement in the Social Sciences and Quality of Life Research
by Tom Bramley


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