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Monday 05. May 2014

New issue of Psychological Thought (PSYCT) published

Psychological Thought (PSYCT) has published its April issue

PsychOpen is glad to announce a new issue of Psychological Thought (PSYCT). Visit the journal's website to view the whole issue including the following articles:

Research Articles

Work With Children at Risk
by Natasha Virmozelova Angelova
(In Bulgarian)

Does Depressive Symptomatology Influence Teenage Patients and Their Mothers’ Experience of Doctor-Patient Relationship in Two Balkan Countries?
by Vaitsa Giannouli, Stanislava Stoyanova

Empowering Employees: Structural Empowerment as Antecedent of Job Satisfaction in University Settings
by Alejandro Orgambídez-Ramos, Yolanda Borrego-Alés

Reporting of Effect Size and Confidence Intervals: Review and Methods of Calculation
by Martin R. Vasilev
(In Bulgarian)

The Changing Concept of Adolescence in Kenya
by Pauline E. Ginsberg, Priscilla Wanjiru Kariuki, Charles Kimamo

Voice-Sensitive Areas in the Brain
by George Varvatsoulias

Personal Characteristics of Aggressive Drivers in the Perception of Drivers and Road Traffic Inspectors
by Oksana Jenenkova

Clinical Cases and Studies

Working With People With Autistic Spectrum Conditions: A Single Case Study
by Irina Roncaglia

Book Reviews

Book Review: Zornitza Ganeva’s “Something More About Breast Cancer”
by Irina Todorova
(In Bulgarian)


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