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Monday 01. March 2021

PsychOpen GOLD Is Calling for New Open-Access Journals in Psychology

PsychOpen GOLD is able to support several new journals. Editors willing to start or transform a journal in a "diamond" open access model are welcome to apply now.

PsychOpen GOLD is a publishing program for open access journals publishing primary research in the field of psychology. Established in 2012, PsychOpen GOLD currently publishes eleven successful periodicals.

PsychOpen GOLD offers to publish journals completely free of charge for editors, authors, as well as readers ("Diamond Open Access"). This includes production and dissemination of manuscripts, as well as technical support with a professional journal management system and many more related services.

"PsychOpen GOLD is fostering and accelerating the structural change in scientific psychological publication towards open access. Looking at large initiatives like cOAlition S, the program allows editors to be at the forefront of coming structural changes already today", says Roland Ramthun, Head of Archiving and Publication Services at ZPID

PsychOpen GOLD will be able to expand its publishing program to 15 journals within the next few months. "We are looking forward to working with four new editorial teams and expect interesting project ideas", says Armin Günther, Managing Editor at PsychOpen GOLD. 

We invite all interested parties to apply for inclusion into the PsychOpen GOLD publishing program. Further information is available on the PsychOpen GOLD website for the 2021 call.


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